You can connect your PBXs, even those located in different cities and countries, via WMS Network – the network of intra-company communication in order to create one seamless and transparent communication environment in all the offices of your company.
In a Wildix Network, one PBX takes up the functions of the Server PBX. All the updates taking place on any Client PBX, become first known to the Server PBX and then, in real-time this information is passed to all the Clients.
Wildix WMS Network cancels the distances between different sites of the company and enables all the users in different offices to collaborate as if they worked in the same office.
It is quite common for a company today to have branch offices all over the world. WMS Network allows centralized management, maintenance and update of all the users of the system (no matter which country they work in). All the system services are available at each site.
With WMS Network communication between users is free of charge (except for the Internet connection costs). Each user can connect to the system from any office of the company keeping the same internal number and account settings.
A new user added to the system is immediately visible and can be contacted by all the colleagues.
By choosing Wildix you choose a complete solution: Fax Server and Failover are by default integrated into Wildix phone system without any additional licenses.